Embrace Change in the New Year (with this tool)

As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, it's that time of the year when we often find ourselves jotting down reflections from the previous year, resolutions for a fresh start, or perhaps even adopting a word of the year to help guide us toward the direction we wish to go in, in the new year.

I do this too.

As an avid planner/organizer/goal digger, dream big go-do-er, it kind of comes naturally for me to do this exercise regularly. It's also one of the gifts that helps me help people and organizations the way that I do.

What change(s) do you wish to see in your life in this new year? 

Being in the business of behavior change, I know that if change were easy we'd all be achieving our goals left and right without any hiccups or needed support along the way.  

Now we know, that's never the case because life is life-ing. Everyone could use some support, tools, and accountability systems. I have these in my life too.

Today I want to share a tool that has been helpful to me, and perhaps it can be helpful to you too.

When I was on my journey to becoming a behavior change agent, the book I'm about to introduce to you was part of my required reading. It presents the idea of a 6 stage change process. I sometimes reference the material to help identify what stage of change people are in, and how I may be able to help them make change based on where they're at. (It's worth noting that when working through organizational change, there are different tools to consider- another topic for another day).

I thought I'd share this tool because the concept is pretty cool and can maybe even help you take a mindful approach to make the change(s) you wish to see in your life this year. 

Inspired by the insightful stages presented in James Prochaska's book, “Changing to Thrive”, Prochaska's work outlines a fascinating journey of transformation, a journey that resonates with the ebbs and flows of our own lives. 

As you read through the stages, think about a change you want to make this year and try to figure out what stage you're currently in.

The 6 stages of Change:

1. Precontemplation: A Blank Canvas

Picture this – the canvas of your life is like a blank page waiting to be filled. In the precontemplation stage, you might not even be aware that change is on the horizon. It's like standing at the edge of a vast field of possibilities, unsure of where to tread. Embrace this moment of reflection without judgment, allowing yourself to explore the potential for growth.

2. Contemplation: The Seed of Intention

Ah, the seed has been planted! In the contemplation stage, you're beginning to acknowledge the need for change. It's like discovering a tiny sprout in your garden of thoughts. Nurture this seed with care and consideration. What are your goals? What do you envision for yourself in the coming year? Let these thoughts blossom into a roadmap for positive change.

3. Preparation: Gathering Momentum

With newfound awareness, it's time to gather the tools you need for your journey. In the preparation stage, think of yourself as an artist selecting the perfect brushes and paints for a masterpiece. Identify the resources, support systems, and strategies that will propel you forward. It's all about setting the stage for success.

4. Action: Brushstrokes of Progress

Here comes the exciting part – action! Whether it's adopting healthier habits, pursuing a passion, or cultivating a positive mindset, each action is a brushstroke shaping your unique masterpiece. Celebrate each step, no matter how small, and relish in the process of becoming the best version of yourself.

5. Maintenance: Sustaining the Masterpiece

Congratulations! You've painted a beautiful picture of change, and now it's time to maintain it. It's like tending to a flourishing garden, ensuring that your positive changes become a permanent part of your vibrant life.

6. Termination: Admiring your Work

Ahhh- this is the point in which there is no turning back. Your desired outcome is a reality. You are fully confident in your state of mind and actions and there's no threat of relapsing to an undesired behavior. Your masterpiece is complete. Your garden is flourishing. 

So, dear friends, as we step into the New Year, let's approach our resolutions/ new goals with the wisdom of the stages of change. Embrace each phase with grace and positivity. Remember, change is not a destination but a transformative journey, and you have the power to thrive through every stage.

Here's to a year of growth for all of us!


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Are You Ready For Change?