One Effective Exercise To Help Calm Anxious Thoughts

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

The Butterfly Hug is a self-soothing grounding technique that can be used to reduce anxiety and practice being in the present moment.

It is an effective method used to reduce stress and anxiety in a matter of a few minutes and can be performed in the comfort of our own space.

The Butterfly Hug method was created by Lucina Artigas while working with the survivors of Hurricane Pauline in Mexico in 1998. It was later developed as a standard practice to help survivors of man made and natural catastrophes.

This bilateral stimulation tool is credited to help empower people in processing traumatic experiences and memories. It can help people to relax, calm hyper aroused thoughts and feelings, and lower heart rate.

To complete this technique:

  1. Criss-cross your arms over your chest.

  2. Gently tap your fingers against your chest or shoulders in an alternating rhythm. Picture the movement of butterfly wings.

  3. You may choose to sit in a comfortable place or do it where you stand. You may close your eyes or keep them open with a soft gaze and concentrate on a safe and calm space.

  4. Tap as needed until you feel relaxed and thoughts have settled.

  5. Complete this exercise as needed and be sure to seek professional care if needed.

To watch a demo. Click here.


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