What Are You Most Proud Of? A reflection exercise

woman celebrates travel

Reflective writing is known to be beneficial for growth, exploring our values and goals, obtaining a deeper understanding of ourselves among many other wellness advantages.

This reflection exercise is meant to serve as an opportunity to celebrate our progress and explore all the above mentioned health benefits. May it be of benefit.

Find a space and time in your day to be still. If needed and if you’re able, create a healthy environment to enable thought flow and creative thinking. For me at this time, this is my home office sitting at my desk or on my daybed. The scent of eucalyptus is permeating through the room. A soft dim lap illuminates the surface of my desk and my blinds are open allowing natural light to peek in. My water bottle is within arms reach.

Grab a sheet of paper or your designated journal and write this at the top of today’s entry:

Most Proud of.

Underneath the heading, make the following 3 subheadings and leave enough space to fill in each section.

Past Week-

Past Month-

Past Year-

Begin writing in what comes to mind about what you are most proud of under each section. This may come naturally for you or it may require some deep thought or even a little research. Thumb through or scan your calendar/agenda, your photos, emails, or texts to help spark memories and thoughts. Allow enough time to complete the exercise.

When you’re done, reflect on how this exercise made you feel and carry onward with you day and month.


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